Sunday, May 21, 2006

New Outlook Society

I have done this 'shtick' for over twenty years. The silence is still deafening. Yet this is to be expected in response to a critique that undermines religion and secularism with equal vigor.

While information is necessary, it is not a sufficient element to create a proper analysis of our situation. Facts are context dependent, therefore only a new context or framework for understanding will change the relative values of various facts.

Our current context results from ‘belief’ systems that have shaped the general psyche to defer to authority for many centuries now. We are cultural adolescents, frozen by the threats of rapacious paternal figures. Realize, we only grow up when we go beyond rote and reactive responses towards integrating new elements into our psyche. Thus the only ‘doing’ going on, is effort designed to help transition society from adolescence to young adulthood. We gots to move out of the house and learn to pay our own bills.

As a long time student of current events and parapolitics, I find it interesting that rabble-rousers never do more than irritate our cultural beast. Our leverage to effect events will remain weak as long as we submit to the (formalized) mental conditioning systems that have defined human society since the Consul of Nicea.

When at the Consul of Nicea, Jesus was declared to be G-d, the church became a means to enforce authority and inhibit 'enthusiasm', and therefore an agent of Ahriman.

Descartes, with his clever speculations, further codified this dualistic pretence, separating the spiritual and the physical, - thereby obscuring again the value of individual creative expressions of consciousness. G-d is far off, “trust us say the authority figures, to explain to you how reality is”.

As we learn to better examine our cultural conditioning systems we may notice proposals for improvement.

Our collective Criteria for Understanding do more to shape psychical expressions than any news tidbit or informed opinion. The ‘harsh critics’ out there are to be reminded that a consequent cannot prove the antecedent and therefore one expression of initial principles cannot be said to be inherently more valid than another. It is in this spirit that the following ‘rules’ for psychical conditioning are presented, a new set of Criteria for Understanding.

1. The spiritual and material is fundamentally the same.

2. Consciousness precedes Being; Being is congealed Consciousness.

3. Taking or presenting relative truth as being Absolute truth produces pathology.

4. Any particle is the agglutination of sub-particles that exhibit the proper combination of frequency, velocity, vector, and a cyclical balance between electro-magnetic attraction and static repulsion characteristics.

5. The manifest expression reflects the balance between order and liberty within consciousness.

Glory be


Blogger iridescent cuttlefish said...

Hear, hear! If that doesn’t open an ear-splitting grin, weel I wot, I know not what will. The overall effect was one of scatter-shot (not shat) ungluing, as well it should be; why else critique our uninspected cant of pure unreason? The first bit of effluvium that floated up from the briny depths of chords struck was the seemingly odd notion that the first natives to be “visited” by Magellan couldn’t “see” his ships because they were too large—the classic parable of cognitive dissonance. If, as you suggest, we’re so bloody restricted in our outlook(s) by the systems consigned for our edification by our stern cultural fathers, then any sort of liberation from the chains which bind our perception will necessarily include what Steve Hillage used to call “unzipping the zype”.

The next bit that did bite but good was that Jesus was bought and sold by the Nicean brand-namers—the liberated Jesus, from the Q documents to the gospel of Thomas, is a very different Big Dude, which is why it’s quite obvious He needed to be bottled up before selling, franchising and being used to keep hormonally-inflicted teenagers in line. This provides an eloquent segue to the Cartesian duality-dunning expose of our current
Criteria for Understanding.

In your new set of Criteria for Understanding, I believe that the crux of the biscuit, for me, at least, are the first two: that any dualism dividing the spiritual from the material is essentially false and/or misleading, and (the very best part of your entirely lustrous harangue) that “Consciousness precedes Being; Being is congealed Consciousness.” This is it! This is the kernel of the new physics. Now we just have to figure out how to make consciousness a conscious process, if you see what I mean. I’m finding myself agreeing with absolutely everything you’ve written here, which is odd in the extreme. Thanks for the invitation!

In the course of recent researches, I came across this site, landing in a strange textual analysis of mystic dissonance in old RUSH lyrics. When you have time, wade around in those waters a bit, as serendipity has to mean something, I think:

1:34 PM  
Blogger Sounder said...

Jeff, I like your notion that canonical scriptures will be the undoing of institutional Christianity. Its appeal is in my consideration that ancient writings contain substance that has been obscured over time. Still I cannot get right with your distinction between wisdom writings inspired by (what?), coming strictly from within this dimension, in contrast to canonical writings that are direct expressions of God from another dimension.
First you say; “Any other writings from people who represent our God may be accepted as deep and powerful wisdom but not inspired by our God who is in this separate dimension.”
Then you say; “There are many books that are accepted as representative of genuine servants of our God. But not accepted as inspired from this separate dimension. Therefore not part of canonical Christian theology.”
Who then are these genuine servants of God being inspired by?
My problem is that any time words are applied to realizations that are the produce of the ineffable, compromises in understanding are introduced. To claim to be free of that compromise because one is dealing only with canonical writing stretches credibility for me. Good luck trying to find a pure expression of Christianity, for me it seems to have been corrupt right from the start.

6:15 AM  
Blogger Sounder said...

Thank-you Iridescent Cuttlefish,

Many more compliments like that and I may have to learn to use the keyboard more effectively.

I pray that there is enough substance in these words, such that they may serve to help ‘find a center’ for the development of more healthy social structures and expressions.

We must all be getting tired of nibbling around the edges; eh

5:19 PM  
Blogger fletcher said...

"When at the Consul of Nicea, Jesus was declared to be G-d, the church became a means to enforce authority and inhibit 'enthusiasm', and therefore an agent of Ahriman"
and thus continuing the age of subverting religion and ancient truth for the benefit of the elect.
do you assert that Jesus was not
(he never asserted it, btw ...he only agreed w/ Pilate when he asked him if he were by saying, "your words...")
and then:
“trust us say the authority figures, to explain to you how reality is”.
Well, that was exactly the type of thing Jesus himself railed against.
I worry when people seem so ready to connect the history of religion and Jesus himself...they are two very different things. Not to say this is what you have done...
"1. The spiritual and material is fundamentally the same."


just because you say so...
I don't know about fundamentally, but everything is a vibration, that is for certain. so I guess.
interesting things that you made me think of.
Glory be indeed. thanks!

7:38 AM  

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